Sunday, April 22, 2007

Three layers of Existence

There are three layers in our existence. One is thinking; deeper than that is feeling; deeper than that is being. Thinking is the most superficial; being, the most profound. And
Between the two is feeling.

There are religions which are thinking-oriented- they create theologies. They create great philosophies, they invent proofs for God – as if God needs proofs, as if God can be proved or disproved.

Then there are religions of the heart, religions of feeling, which don’t create theologies, they create devotion. They are far better then the first – their prayers are true, because they are full of tears. Their expressions are more authentic, because they are less verbal. They dance, they sing, they cry, they weep – they live through feeling, through the heart.

But Buddha goes even deeper. He says: the head is superficial, the heart is a little deeper but not deep enough. Thinking is in words, thoughts, syllogisms. Feeling is emotions, sentiments. But both are disturbances. When your mind is full of thoughts you are distracted, disturbed, pulled apart. And when your mind is not full of thoughts but your heart is throbbing with great feeling; then too you are excited. Then too, you are feverish. Love is a fever – even love for God creates great passion, stirs you, does not calm you down.

Buddha says: Thoughts distract, feelings distract. Come to the deepest core of your being, where thoughts as well as feelings disappear. Then what is left? Simple being. That is tathata, suchness. One simply is – nothing is stirred; no thought, no feeling, just pure existence. That pure existence has no fever in it, no passion, no movement – it is not going anywhere, it is not doing anything. In that moment, time disappears. One transcends time; it is a transcendental moment. In that moment, one comes to know reality as it is.

When you think, you can’t see reality as it is, because your thinking becomes a barrier. Your thinking colors reality. When you feel, then too you cannot see reality as it is, because your eyes are full of tears and your heart is full of emotions. When thinking and feeling both disappear, only then there is contact with truth. And then you attain to that freedom, fluidity, flexibility, spontaneity. Then you don’t live out of your past and you don’t live out of your future. Then you are not programmed; you are not a robot. Then you live moment to moment – as life reveals itself, you live it. Your response is always total, it is never a reaction.

- Osho


Rishi Srivastava said...

" When thinking and feeling both disappear, only then there is contact with truth. And then you attain to that freedom, fluidity, flexibility, spontaneity. "

our religion too aims at this disappearance...isn`t it??

"because your thinking becomes a barrier"

Suraj Shrikumar said...

yes indeed ...

our way of life lays emphasis on being one !

oneness is important ...